Membership Benefits
BMBO act to support the sport for the benefit and enjoyment of riders taking part in events and to support organisers current and future in how to plan, organise and manage an event.
Joining BMBO as a member benefiting the sport through supporting ongoing activities undertaken by BMBO.
BMBO membership for organisers aims to support the mechanics of the event planning and administration, taking away as many time consuming administration tasks as possible.
The following explains how all BMBO Members benefit from membership:
Entry to all BMBO Club events which are run to a simple set of principles (classes, rules);
1. Events planned to best practice guidance (BMBO provides planner guidance notes, checklists & expert advice)
2. Permissions & access rights to use land on which event planned
(Access is arranged locally by event organisers and BMBO has a national negotiated agreement regarding the fees payable for event usage in Forestry Commission land).
3. Timing / equipment provision (BMBO has made available complete electronic timing equipment for organisers to run events).
4. Map support (BMBO arranges map licenses for all BMBO organisers to utilise)
5. All BMBO sanctioned events have Third Party liability insurance for all riders during events.
Website resource and selective Members only functionality;
- On line pre-event entry
- Event discounts often available for early/on line pre-event entry
- Calendar of events
- Tips and event guidance
- Forum access – posting of items, classifieds (only accessible to members)
- E-newsletter keeping you updated on developments and events
Entry eligibility to National Leagues for MBO score and MTBO.
Eligibility for selection for GB team in International events.
Full BMBO Members only: Voting rights at AGM, have a say in the running of and future development of BMBO and the sport in general.
Full BMBO Members only: BMBO Member discounts