Annual General Meeting Agenda
Posted: 01/11/14
Hi All,
Here is the agenda for our AGM next week.
Don't forget, Saturday 8th November; 4:00PM @ Edale Youth Hostel!
In addition to our Chairperson vacancy, we also have a vacancy for membership secretary.
We have one nomination for chair; our current SI co-ordinator, Paul Leight has offered to take on the Chairman's role to help promote BMBO and help it become a stronger and more dynamic organisation.
Andrea has stepped down from her role as Membership Secretary after keeping our member registrations, renewals and queries running so smoothly for many years. On behalf of the entire membership, I would like to her for the hard work she has put in over the years. If anyone is interested in taking on the role, please contact any committee member for further details.
Look forward to seeing you all there.