Event Details
Club: | SWEMBO |
Event Name: | SW League 1 - Woodbury Common (SAF) |
Date: | 02/04/17 |
Format: | MBO Score |
Mapping: | Ordnance Survey |
Time Limit: | 3 hours |
National League: | - |
League: | Southwest MBO Score League 2017 (Round 1 of 6) |
Electronic Punch: | SportIdent |
Event Report
We hope you all enjoyed the new format for this event. We had been considering it for a while, and with such a lovely area as Woodbury Common, we thought it would be rude not to deploy the new format here.
Using the new format makes it far easier on the planner for setting out, and collecting in the course as the area is far more compact. For the rider, the benefits are far more riding on the glorious commons without the need for long stretches of country lanes to make up the mileage.
With the intricate path network it was was relatively easy to plan a course whereby the optimum routes would not go over the same ground twice. This intricate path network also meant that riders had to have their heads screwed on at all times ( more akin to MTBO in some ways) a few riders found this to their peril!!!
With a long dry spell leading up to the event, making the course very fast, we decided to shift a few CP's a little further afield in attempt to minimise the number of full houses ( 28 moved to the other side of the river, and 19 dropped down into the valley foot) With hindsight, and the torrential thunderstorm we had the day before ( in which I got caught while setting out) these actions were unnecessary as know-one got close to clearing the course!!!
The day started relatively late for us (living close to the area is a bonus!!) with the alarm going off at 0630, the sun shining through the curtains and the birds tweeting in the trees. After packing the car, and a short drive, we were soon at the Hall and setting up. With the hall double booked we agreed to use the rear room for registration while the tia chia class was supposed to be taking place in the main hall.
As time went by and no riders had arrived, we were beginning to get a little concerned as to whether we had put the wrong details on the website ( Ifor is normally at the venue before we arrive!!!) but then all of a sudden everyone descended at once!!!
With the sun still shining all the riders were out on the course by just gone ten which left us with nothing to do but bask in the sun until the tia chia class had been and gone. As it happened the class never turned up !?! maybe the thought of sharing the hall with a bunch of smelly, dirty mountain bikers scared them off!!!
So at about 1200 we set the hall up for refreshments, with Faye insisting we have the fairy lights on!!
Shortly after 1200, the first of the riders returned, telling of great exploits. It wasn't long before everyone was back, sharing tales of adventure ( and in some cases misadventure, in particular Jonny Dodwell who went on an unplanned excursion to almost all the neighbouring villages!!) while sat out in the sun on the patio (we needed have bothered setting up the main hall!!)
With everyone accounted for it was over to Robin Carter (who kindly in) to do the Presentations:
1st Overall & M40 Class winner - Ifor Powell, 500pts from a possible 600
2nd Overall - James Jackson, 450pts
3rd Overall & M50 Class Winner - Jonathan Croome, 428pts
There were Class wins for: Issy Boyd - Ladies, Chris Phillips - M60, John Parfit - M70, Jim Williams & Stuart Ball - Male Pairs, and Janet Burroughes & Matt Jepson - Mixed Pairs.
With all the trophies issued, and all the riders fed,watered, and sent on their way, it was just down to our small band of helpers to clean up, and collect in CP's.
Thanks to Elizabeth Arkle & Kevin Shere for collecting the two far flung eastern CP's, and to Ifor for venturing out again and clearing in everything else south of 4 firs!! This just left a couple for Faye to pick up on foot, and a quick loop of the north for me to whiz around. ( Why is it, if you only drop one SI Caribiner, it has to be the one on a footbridge?? Splosh!!!)
With everyones help we were back home by 6pm ready to order our customary post event takeaway and a nice bottle of wine!!!!
Thanks to you all for making the event a success, and we hope to see you all again soon....
Will & Faye.
PS we have a helmet and gloves left by someone. Any takers?